Dr. K. C. Mehta, Director & Chief Knee Surgeon at Chandra Knee Clinic, Ahmedabad has revolutionalised the total knee replacement surgery. Dr.Mehta’snew special surgical technique has changed the approach in the direction of knee replacement surgery with smaller incision, reduction in operative time, shorter hospital stay & faster recovery to work.
Our Achievements:
Dr. Mehta has successfully operated patient aged up to 94 years using the same technique, who had recovered without the help of any assistance of physiotherapist.
Dr. Mehta has operated patients with weight up to 135 kg having BMI more than 50.
One of the cases operated by Dr. Mehta, who had been in quadraped position for many years and was operated with the same technique, has recovered walking on two limbs without any assistance of physiotherapist. DivyaBhaskar Group has selected this case as one of the top ten miracles of the medical sciences for the year 2010.
Till date Dr.Mehta has himself operated more than thousands of knee replacement surgeries with extra-ordinary outcomes.
Dr. Mehta has been invited as faculty and guest speaker to deliver lecturer at different International Conferences & Meets.
Invited as Faculty & Speaker in ICJRSEA, held at Indonesia in September 2012.
Invited as Speaker in Hip & Knee Society Meet (ASEAN) at Indonesia in January 2012
Invited as Speaker in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) Meet 2011 at Beijing, China in December 2011
Invited as key-note Speaker in Vietnam Orthopaedic Association & VIET DUC University Hospital, Vietnam in October 2010
Invited as Speaker in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society, APAS 2010 at New Delhi in September 2010
Invited as Faculty in Asia Pacific Meet at Shanghai, China in June 2010
Invited as Faculty in Cadaveric Navigation Knee Replacement Course at Vienna, Ausrtia in July 2005